Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Wednesday is harvest day. Again!!
Today, Lily and I were on our own, so to speak. Over the last year I have learned to prepare my crew. Telling the progeny about what we need for the farm is the best way to get the results train on the right track. So last night I told Lily that we were starting the harvest early. All the menfolk are busy today!! It's actually kinda mellow around here.
It didn't start off that way.
My first warning should have been heeded. It was the song of the coyote around 5 this morning. Then, the crack of my neighbor's gun. I think its a warning shot that he fires. He's pretty consistent though. I hear the song and then, after this guy bolts outta bed there's the shot. POP!
I wonder if he know it is a felony to kill a coyote. I wonder if he keeps the gun by his bed. Maybe he is just a really early bird who has had way too many cats disappear over the years. Anyway, I am laying there in bed and thinking by some telepathic connection I can tell the coyote that the chicken cafe at the north end of the farm is off limits. No way Jose!
Some time later, after the taxi ride for Sam to the train, I head down the feed the flock.
This is a process that takes some time. We keep the food in a roofless shed, so the steel trash can with the feed inside has to be opened whilst keeping the morning dew off the feed. Two hands...put down the coffee mug!! The flocks are of different ages and are separated so as to avoid the pecking order while they nestle in for their sleep. 5 separate areas in fact. Two gates to open, fill two feeders. Phew....haven't even done the water yet!! Just forget the hot coffee Laura!
OK, now for the pallet cages. We have re-purposed 18 pallets and made 3 cages out of them. THat's Sam putting the finishing touches on one. Pretty smart of Scott and the boyz. One hitch is that one of the pallets has a gap that is not chicken friendly. Three chickens were stuck in that part of the pallet and not too happy about it. I think the coyotes scared them into this jam. Poor dears. I let one loose and it was miffed. The second one was in a worse place and Lily and I had to tear one of the oak planks off the pallet to free it. The third, our treasured Buff Orpington, part of Scott's Folly Flock, (pictured) was already on her way up the spiral. Destined to return as a higher being.
We send blessings for her transition. I think it was a female. I don't know yet because the three remaining Buffs are not clearly showing gender yet.
So, there is more to tell and I just want to keep it a bit shorter for today. I realize that I have some other things that I want to share.

Be well. Be kind.

Share the road!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Feeling a bit like England

If you ever wondered what it feels like to be in England the weather today is a great example. Wet soil, moist air and of wellies! Maybe you call them rubber boots.
I'm checking out Jamie Oliver's beautiful cookbook called Jamie At Home. He has great photos of his lovely garden. I doubt that he has much time to tend it himself. It looks lovely and I wonder if I am headed back to England soon. I am sooooo ready to be there! I'd love to retire there. Or........maybe just visit. I think there is a grand upheaval coming to their lifestyle. Blessings to them while the changes happen.
I walked down into the garden to close the chickens in at about 1 this morning and was in wonder at my life. I wasn't feeling tired or worn. You just have to do what it takes to support all of the activities. Sam had a late late shift at work and required a ride home. Two movies released with midnight showings. 'Tis the season to be scared outta your wits people. (My reality is good for that.....only the tiny little bit that I let it be anyway)! The parking lots at the movies were packed. Who are these folks and don't they have jobs that start early in the morning???
I had an adjustment yesterday with my beloved chiropractor and fell like all of the tension that I have been carrying in my shoulders has dissipated. Don't have to be invoking Atlas! He's got it all handled! I love how it feels after I'm all aligned. All is right in my body.....a nice big sigh of energy release and replacement.
So, here we are. On the brink of the weekend with lovely autumn weather. I'm not sure when the soil will dry out enough to rototill that compost in. Patience. Plenty to do inside the house.

Dear Universe,
Thanks for today's sunrise and the sweet singing of the birds. I'm happy to be a part of it all. Send me the wisdom and knowhow that I require to rock my day in a fabulous way.
Your devoted daughter,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home busy home

We arrived home from Florida last night to a fantastic rain storm. From humid, hot and buggy to real autumn weather. It rains in San Diego County in October. Or, we have crazy storms of wildfires. I'll take the rain. Even if it means that my plans for the garden may change drastically over the next few days/daze.
I harvested eggplant and green beans today while there was a slight drizzle. So odd in my realm of experience. Most days I head outside to get it all done early enough to beat the heat!
Now I am thinking that I should just pull the pepper plants and the beans because I may not get any more production from them. Checking the weather forecast Lily says that we could have high 70's next week. That could be worth the wait for more of those "summer" foods.

Ahhhh! Help me Gaia. What will ye have me doin' out there on yer fertile soil?? Send me a sign.

I am so glad for the rain!! Check out the rain gauge from this morning! It's the most it has recorded since it was placed there. And just in time to pay the latest water bill!!

We have 4 baby chicks. I heard one of them making quite a loud noise for that little tiny body. It had gotten out and was shivering in the cold. Adventurer chick needs a name. Apparently it has been doing this escape thing for its short life.
I want them all to be female, OK Gaia?
Our first flock is molting and not laying any more eggs. I don't want to feed them any more because the organic feed is expensive. Anyone want some non-laying elderly hens? Call me.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Living on the right coast for a few days.

Scott and I traveled to Vero Beach, Florida on Thursday. Southwest Airlines likes to give people the opportunity to visit a stop-off airport along the way to the East Coast. We chose St. Louis. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed sitting in the airport for a wee bit of time. I was delighted to have a bruthah barista at sbux. It was a blessing for me.
We are preparing for Scott's best friend's wedding on Sunday afternoon. I am the officiant. I am the wedding planner. I am the caterer. Great gig, right? Right! I have been having a fun time.

Yesterday was the first day for Stone Crab season and we headed to Tony's Fish Market to pick up our weekend feast. We got a lot of pre-wedding food for our pleasure.
Stone crabs are caught off the coast and their claw is taken off and they are thrown back into the ocean to regenerate a claw. It takes 18 months! Amazing. Sustainable fish. It's tasty. Tonight we had the "rehearsal dinner" and it was soooo delicious. Salad with seared scallops. Outstanding! Last night we had real Gulf Shrimp, wild of course. Thanks to the fishermen for feeding us.
I prepped a lot of the food tonight so I can concentrate on being more present to the ceremony tomorrow. I am crazy about food so if you are reading this and wondering why all the attention to the knew that already, silly.

Scott and Richard have been friends for decades! Richard is Sam's godfather. He has a very special place in our lives. He found his beloved MaryJane and the miracle of love is expanding through them.

Our conversations are all over the landscape around here. Politics takes a big space. Sports a wee bit. Family and food...lot's of that!

That's my intention for this blog.
It is about

The three "f's" of my life.

Oh! And fun....anytime, anywhere, anyhow!

So, thanks for enjoying. This is the life I have been longing to live. It is going on beautifully.

Blessings. Tell someone you love them.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tententen-an homage

Love is in the air.
Wedding bells, DJs, caterers.
I officiated a wedding on Saturday in the Temecula Valley Wine Country. The couple is so beautiful that I am sharing a photo for your pleasure.

I didn't really get to know them very well. It was a rather quick courtship, ours...not theirs! I was there to be of service. To serve those who serve. Just make it a short ceremony please!

Marines in Dress Blues. Those young men looked so sharp and were covered with medals. That was an incredible honor for me. I was impressed, humbled and awed. The bride, well, she is absolutely gorgeous.

My Dad was a Marine. The ethic lives on in him. He is a strong man. Full of determination. Oh! yes! and he's stubborn!! That is something he passed on to me. Thank you very much.

I celebrate his birthday today. He's 73 on Ten Ten Ten. An auspicious birthday to be sure.
I love it that I was part of a Marine's wedding ceremony with on my Dad's birthday weekend. It felt like a fitting homage to him.

Happy Birthday Dad. Rock On!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You really want that?

I made the mistake of visiting a coffee shop for dinner. It's off Interstate 10 in Banning. Gramma had something to do with the "decor". Country kitsch. That should have been the first sign that I was headed for disaster.

I've eaten there before. And frankly everything is the same as it was then. Wasn't I paying attention then? Has my taste changed so much in a few short months? Well, yes.

The idea about eating on the road is to find the least objectionable item on the menu and just go with it. Once in a while I get a little something akin to comfort food.
Or not!
I have read way too much about the industrial food model. I grow my own (delicious) food and am learning about how to prepare it in ever more enticing ways. A coffee shop is what it is, right?
It's complicated to get into a Q and A about how the meal is prepared. Microwaved, fresh or canned, type of fry oil...See what I mean? It's out of place to broach the subject in a coffee shop.

I get to thinking about how we moved into this place, as a nation, where mediocre or worse is acceptable for our meals. Morning, noon and night. And every other possible moment in between. It's a shock. A disappointment.
I want it to be better for my fellow planeteers. Come on people. Bump it up. You're worth it.

Tonight I nurse a slight sodium headache and dream about the perfect cup of java awaiting me in the morning from the mermaid down the street.

That is gonna be good. No doubt!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


What is an American?
Geographically speaking there are two continents of folks with many countries, languages, dialects and peoples. However, the popular culture in which I find myself living thinks the USofA has all of the Americans. WRONGO BUCKO!!
Today I had the pleasure of working with an American from Sinaloa. Technically a Mexican, right? Well, that is what the snippy media would have us believe. This man was born on the American Continent, as was I! So we both are Americans!
Just sayin'!

The popular culture and media are making a different distinction for folks that live outside of the borders of this country on the American continents! Curious! Maybe not clear...but curious!

We worked on the fall switcheroo today. Tomatoes pulled out to get ready for cool weather plantings to go in. Lotsa labor for my body. My mind thinks I'm still 25 and can knock this stuff out....then I remember the reality of how I have paced myself this year and how well my body has been serving me. So, the wisdom is to find the best person possible to assist with the harder tasks. Enter Alfonso. The Universe's gift to my farm tasks today.

Hiring a day laborer is a familiar activity for North County Farmers, any farmers. We have extra jobs and need extra hands. Someone young enough and strong enough to not be cursing me at the end of the day and for three days later. Don't need that karma. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that hard of work-just enough work!
We met at "the spot" nearby. You know the one. It's a street corner with lots of hombres standing there ready to get the job done (or not)!

We scope out the scene and get out of the car to engage with the gentlemen. We know who we want to hire. He has a bag with a guy...and good boots. He steps forward and tells us his name.
One of Lily's two Godfathers is Alfonso.
It's a sign. Say yes and see how your day goes.

I am so happy with how my day went that I wanted you to know something about it.

This post is entitled dignity because this is how we treat each other in a world that is working. The one where I live. With dignity. We work side by side, we break bread together, we have fun dancing in each other's languages and we make the world a better place.

One day at a time. One connection at a time.
All of this on my sweet granjita. My little farm.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rhapsody 'n muse

Some days are so splendid that I just melt away into it and don't want to come out. The mood is right on. The company is right on. The weather is outstanding. All of the aspects come together to the perfect crescendo.
Yesterday was an epic day with my family. We worked together to create an experience that was beautiful harmony to my ears and my sensibilities. I will always remember it as a time where we moved to new heights together.

I have been living in a dream state of late. It seems that all of the things that I want are showing up and happening for me. Case in point...I am listening to Pandora and Rhapsody in Blue just came on my play list. Post already titled! Insane? Or....Divine....Inspired. I must stay clear and intent. That's my message! Life is listening to me and responding with the goodies!!!

This afternoon I was thinking about how my life is influenced. I mean what influences that I allow from the outside, those that I cultivate and those that I strictly avoid. Like the TV and news. I shelter my brain from the influences that I feel pull me away from my bliss. I can barely listen to the news when Scott is listening. It grates on my nerves. Don't want to be cranky about it. Simply selective! How much do I actually think for myself and how many of my ideas, notions and motivations are created by society and marketers. Curious.

I will muse further and see where it takes me.

I think the best things about this country could be expressed if people were thinking for themselves. Thankfully that's how my friends play in their lives. Free thinkers. I love how they think and where their thoughts take them through their lives. I am inspired.

Make life a masterpiece.

I sing. I love music therefore a rhapsody is more like it for me. The music of my life is glorious and melodic. My rhapsody is playing with perfection. Quiet passages and loud rowdy times. With everything delicious in between.

Be brilliant.
Be love.
Pass it forward.