Given that sushi is such a precious commodity now, why would any restaurant owner put such beautifully prepared food into a styrofoam container?
You wouldn't catch me putting them in styrofoam. Ewww.
I fancy myself more of a crystal kind of woman. Clean and hand hewn....well blown a gentle breeze. Wood gets hewn. Glass gets blown.
I imagine this beautiful bowl. In the style of my favorite glass blower Boz. Wild colours flecked around the edges that shed a lovely light. Inside the bowl are pretty little packages beautifully wrapped in bright colours. Each package has something very precious inside of it. They are there to be unwrapped, enjoyed, experienced and then re-wrapped or re-fashioned. Lovingly tended to with a desire to become more of what I am here to become. There may also be some ideas in that challis that could be all wrong.
Given that I have this lovely place within my can be shocking when someone wants to step in and muscle their way in where they are not yet welcome. I found myself in a situation yesterday feeling guarded and aware of the need to protect myself. It was an unusual place for me to be. The situation showed me how I had neatly tucked away some pretty big ideas about my life. I thought they had been all taken care of.
I live in the present and avoiding looking at these thing will only be a rotten thing to do. It just feels like the timing is suspect. I'd like to see my my life on a new track. Well, maybe this is a part of it. It just feels pretty raw and uncomfortable. Uggghhh!
Many people have been sharing the utmost kindness and support with me and my family as we all reel from the sudden passing of our beloved Sam. Love is a powerful healer and true friendship has no bounds. Allowing myself to receive this support is teaching me so much about gratitude and about worthiness.
I am a blessing. You are a blessing. This whole idea that it is bad form to say things like "I am terrific" or "I am really great at that" is a way to diminish the Divine Expression that you are. That I am.
I Am.
Divine expressing as me says you are a gift to humanity. Unwrap and reveal the goodies to us all. We are here to celebrate you. It's time.
No waiting at check-stand 1!
If you wonder why sushi is a precious commodity it's time for you to watch "The End of the Line", a documentary released about 2 years ago.
Beautiful post!