Sometimes things can look terrible at the outset. Then, when my head is screwed on right and I get back into right thinking.....
IT'S ALL GOOD.........
I remain steadfast in my positive headspace and all that I see ahead looks like opportunity.
We have been getting support on the farm from a super guy, who happens to be a welder. We are not welders and asking him to do certain tasks was something we shoulda watched. Hindsight-20/20.
Sweet guy. He put in 5 days of hard work getting all the weeds pulled and the compost spread all over this place. The last task was to weed the tomato bed that Sam and his beloved Karen planted in March. Well, the plants looked like weeds to him and he pulled the tomatoes and the weeds. Scott and I just cried. We had put so much love and energy and attachment to those plants...Sam's last crop.
I couldn't spend too much time there. Too sad. Waaaay tooooo sad.
Find the Good...
The fruit was gathered and believe it or not, it has been ripening in nice steady stages for two weeks. I have been quite surprised! Some of the fruit is dried now, some frozen and some pickled. I may even get it together to make ketchup and "can" it. (It's easier than I remember, it just takes all day to cook)!
My/our farm is ready for the coming seasons. We are on a springboard of sorts. Everything is primed and as soon as we return from Farm Aid...we are off and running again. It is so exciting to think about all of the things we want to grow.
Life is full of hidden blessings. I am discovering them all the time.
I'm still learning how to make the pictures go where I want them to be. That lovely plate was put together by my new chef friend Mario at Flying Pig in O'side. House made Ricotta, Champagne dressing, tempura anchovies....a delicious amuse bouche. Hand a man tomatoes and watch him shine.
I love my!!!! Ahhh yes.
Love you Sam. You grew some delicious tomatoes this year babe! Like last year and the year before!
Oh honey pie.....I can feel the must have some seeds still of those Sammy beauties....he'll help you plant them there again...I just know he will. Farm Aid? Where is that ? sounds good...Do you know about Bioneers ?? I will be attending again this year. Would sure love to see you guys there.