Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Outing myself

It's time I came clean. I have been thinking about this and, well, it's time.

I am crazy in love.
It started slowly and has built into something that I just cannot contain. I want to share it with the world!

The object of my love has the most magical singing voice. It transports me in ways that are too personal to express.
It's not like that! I mean that sharing every little thought or idea is not necessary to a happy life...or a blog! Some things are more magical when they stay inside of me and are my own delicious universe.

Last night was the closing show of Jason Mraz's and Toca Rivera's world tour. Our seats were in the orchestra section at the Spreckles Theatre. The venue is vintage San Diego, built in 1912. It is an exquisite setting that evokes an intimate evening. For a few hundred people.
I was enraptured by the sweet sounds of Jason's voice. He carries me to sublime blissful happiness. It was my first show and I was amused by the jokes and anecdotes that he shared. One-ness and community are the themes of his life and that's great by me!

I live a charmed and intentional life. It is blessed with precious friends and so many pleasurable experiences. I am singing out gratitude to my creator and my community for the blessings that abound.

Did you see the sunset last night? AMAZING!!

Singing a beautiful melody today. What is your song's melody?

Monday, November 28, 2011

RIP Ducks

Dear Ducks,
I send you on to your next-yet-to-be with a heavy heart.
I miss your sweet sounds and persistent attitudes. The slugs won't, though.

I think coyote came in the stole your breath and fed themselves well.

The truth is, I am a coyote keeper. They are an important part of the circle of life around here. Their habitat has been disrupted and that is why they pushed themselves into our yard. Overarching themes 'n all.

You were great fun. The companionship that you gave us and the special connection that you had with Scott was our joy these last few months.

Attachment. I appreciate the gifts that keep showing up around attachment.

Alright already.

Blessings for Francis Drake and his lovely hens. Cayuga Ducks rock my world.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Me Tummy Full.......

Sunday happy to reflect on another week gone by.
What a tremendous week it was.
Gratitude. Thanksgiving. Appreciation. Generosity.
These are the gifts from last week that I shall carry through the rest of the year.

This fantastic job of mine takes me on beautiful drives with vistas of the great big desert sky. There was something particularly magickal about the sky over the Coachella Valley last Wednesday morning. Not sure what it was, but I was smitten.
Gratitude for big blue skies and crystal clear views.

Thursday was a great day. We made one traditional dish and completely mashed up the rest. The winner of the day for me...Lily' s Mousse Au Chocolat. Oh! My! Heavens! She is good and I have got to be really careful in the coming weeks if she keeps it up.
Thanks I give for a big kitchen and dishes washed!

When I am smart enough to observe...messages are all around vying for my attention. I am learning the tradition of animal messages with the assistance of a few reference books. I appreciate the wisdom that these guides, both the books and the animals, offer.

A friend came to visit this weekend. We had such a great time together. He is so generous with his love...and that bottle of Jameson was a great addition to the liquor cabinet. It'll keep me warm this winter!!!

So, I leap into the coming week. Poised, primed and.......


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fresh Air

The morning after it rains it seems the sun shines a little brighter. The birds are a little more cheery. The colours in the garden are deeper.

I love the rain and yesterday was my day to play in it. We had to get a better cover on the chicks' cage and, of course our action packed lives led us to do it as the edge of the storm was sweeping by. So fun to be in a drenched shirt...mostly because it was not a really cold storm.

I had readied the main water catchment barrel and it filled up really well. I put 5 gallon buckets along the pathway to the front door too. The exercise in scurrying about was silly to some, perhaps and lots of fun to me! I have water that I can give to the thirsty bananas and it was a gift from the water gods.

Enjoy this glorious weekend!!!

Love all Serve all

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dia de Los Muertos

I live in thought it was California. Think again.
I live, not immersed, but surrounded by a culture that gives me many opportunities to dabble.
Today, I dabble in the experience of Dia de los Muertos. Day of the Dead.

Today is not yesterday. Thankfully.

Today I am in a great place of celebration of Sam and my momma.
My mom's touch is all around me. In my head too! She was a dynamo.
Sam...well today we want to celebrate Sam with food.
Mexican families go to the cemetery and have picnics on the graves of their departed, eating their favorite foods.
The list of Sam's faves is, well, not in congruence with my highest good! A couple of things that I'm not gonna eat today that he loved:

California burrito from Santanas
A Double Double from you know where!!

I won't eat chard 'cuz he hated it.
Maybe we'll have shepherd's pie for dinner. He loved it and created a lot of yummy versions of it.

We don't have an altar set up in the garden, yet. So I just frolic out there and putter to honor his great big spirit.

I am thankful for the gift that he is. How he reminds me to celebrate life and not to be so maudlin.
You are the Best Sam. The Best. Keep showing me the Good Life and I continue to celebrate your Good Life.....