Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Outing myself

It's time I came clean. I have been thinking about this and, well, it's time.

I am crazy in love.
It started slowly and has built into something that I just cannot contain. I want to share it with the world!

The object of my love has the most magical singing voice. It transports me in ways that are too personal to express.
It's not like that! I mean that sharing every little thought or idea is not necessary to a happy life...or a blog! Some things are more magical when they stay inside of me and are my own delicious universe.

Last night was the closing show of Jason Mraz's and Toca Rivera's world tour. Our seats were in the orchestra section at the Spreckles Theatre. The venue is vintage San Diego, built in 1912. It is an exquisite setting that evokes an intimate evening. For a few hundred people.
I was enraptured by the sweet sounds of Jason's voice. He carries me to sublime blissful happiness. It was my first show and I was amused by the jokes and anecdotes that he shared. One-ness and community are the themes of his life and that's great by me!

I live a charmed and intentional life. It is blessed with precious friends and so many pleasurable experiences. I am singing out gratitude to my creator and my community for the blessings that abound.

Did you see the sunset last night? AMAZING!!

Singing a beautiful melody today. What is your song's melody?

1 comment:

  1. Peaceful beloved---you are an angel in my life!
