Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday the fourteenth.

Note to self: You're not in Alaska so skip the socks, long sleeve shirt and down vest. Really, you won't need them!
I drove on one of my favorite roads today. It's my luck to have ancient oak trees line the narrow commuter roads of Northern-most San Diego County! I love to roll the window down and listen to all of the birds in their glory. Spectacular! Yes, I do have to work out in the world to support my farming habit. So it goes.
Summer's end is visible throughout my farm. It's turnaround time which loosely translates into lots to be done. In the late winter we planted a lot of our summer crops-the peppers, eggplant and tomatoes. Those were the days for the down vest and socks! The tomatoes need just the right amount of tending and they will kick out a tremendous crop. (I am not giving away any trade secrets here so just forget about it). Now that the colour has all gone and the vines are oh! so finished, we get to pull them out. My head is making it up as more work than the actual growing of the crop but I think I have it all wrong. I just gotta get out there and start!!
I hope I didn't miss my next canning window. I want to fill those jars with sunshine. January pasta sauce is a prize that is worth the effort. Yummy.
I am extremely passionate about food. Growing it is supreme joy. Preparing it for some sort of meal is sometimes where I get hung up. I do a good job. Once in a while, though, I'd really like to hit it out of the park, you know? I love food that takes me to a new level of deliciousness. I scour my cookbooks and imagination and have a great time with it.
Tonight we ate stuffed peppers with two colours of tomato sauce, orange and bright sunshine yellow. Oh! yea.

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